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Hondarribiko alardea

When & Where: Every September 8, in Hondarribia town center.

The Hondarribiko alardea (Hondarribia), celebrated annually on September 8, is a historic and cultural event that commemorates the town’s victory during the siege of 1638 by French forces. This siege, which lasted over two months, was a defining moment in Hondarribia’s history, with the town’s inhabitants and defenders demonstrating extraordinary resilience. The Alarde, deeply rooted in local tradition, honors this triumph and expresses gratitude to the Virgin of Guadalupe, the town’s patron saint, for her believed intercession during the siege.

The event’s origins date back to the 17th century, evolving over time into a highly organized celebration with military-style elements. The Alarde is led by a “general,” followed by various companies representing the town’s neighborhoods. Participants, dressed in traditional military attire complete with muskets and colorful uniforms, parade through the streets accompanied by the sounds of drums and flutes. The firing of muskets at key points along the route is a defining feature, symbolizing the defense of the town.

The procession culminates at the Sanctuary of the Virgin of Guadalupe, located on Mount Jaizkibel, where a mass is held in her honor. This moment reflects the religious significance of the event, tying it to the town’s spiritual heritage.

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