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Day of the Almadía

When & Where: At the end of April or the beginning of May, in Burgi.

The Día de la Almadía is a traditional festival celebrated in Burgi, a village in Navarre, to honor the historical trade of almadías (log rafts). The event, held annually in spring, commemorates the almadieros, the skilled rafters who navigated the region’s rivers to transport timber.

For centuries, the almadía was an essential means of log transportation in the Pyrenees. Timber harvested from the forests was assembled into large rafts and floated down the Eska, Aragon and Ebro rivers toward cities like Zaragoza and Tudela. This practice, dating back to the Middle Ages, was vital for the economy of the mountain communities but declined with the development of roads and rail transport in the 20th century.

The Día de la Almadía seeks to preserve this cultural heritage through an annual reenactment. Local rafters construct traditional almadías and navigate them down the Eska River, demonstrating the technique and skill required for this historic trade. The event is accompanied by folk music, dances, craft markets, and exhibitions, creating a festive atmosphere. It has been recognized as a Festival of National Tourist Interest in Spain.

Today, the almadía remains a symbol of Navarre’s mountain culture, and the festival serves as a tribute to the hard work of past generations. It is a key attraction for visitors interested in history, tradition, and the unique relationship between the people of Navarre and their natural environment.

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